Everyone Wants in Junior League But Is It Your Best Social Media?
Junior League is Social Media at its finest, emphasis on the social. You put thirty decisive, popular, dominant, rich, assertive women together and you can organize the world. Why? Because everybody knows its the best club.” Deciding which social network to choose for your company is a little more involved. Not all networks are the same; each comes with its own specific benefits, features and uses.
Look at this 3-step guide for choosing the best social networks based upon the needs of your company.
# 1. Find Your Community
Does your product have user videos on YouTube? Are you mentioned on Twitter? Wherever you find your community is where you should start investing your time and money.
# 2. Choose Which Network Works Best for You
Remember, theres no right or wrong way in choosing networks to integrate into your business strategy; its all about finding the best fit for your company. Look at these suggestions for networks to integrate based upon your needs.
- Do you have a product? Facebook makes a great place for products. Potential customers can see pictures, user letters and responses from Page Admins. This sampling of product and company information will help customers make an informed purchase. And because Facebook is global, it exposes your product to the entire world.
- Build up a bank of videos on YouTube or Vimeo. Show off your product in action, have the CEO give in-depth product introductions, offer official troubleshooting guides and allow users to post response videos.
- Use Twitter for your products. Reward those who follow your brand by holding contests and giveaways. You pick and announce the hashtag and then randomly select a winning tweet. All of the mentions are certain to get you some extra attention.
# 3. Focus Your Efforts
Any good Junior Leaguer knows that staying focused is the prime objective of any endeavor so clean up your websites and remove all those social network icons that no ones ever heard of. Pick something, focus on it and turn it into a habit. If your starting point is Facebook:
- Check your Timeline several times a day.
- Respond to every question or comment from fans.
- Post new and interesting content.
- Be consistent.
Once Timeline becomes second nature platform to you, branch out and add another. Just remember, more is not necessarily better unless you can give equal time to each one. If you can’t, get rid of it.
Theres a reason why Elizabeth Mansur Davis worked her way into Junior League. She knew it was the best networking opportunity in her community and staying focused would ensure her any position she wanted. Everyone wants accolades and being Social is a sure-fire way to make sure you get them!