In this first blog, we’re going to highlight 3 of the major distinctions between traditional marketing and inbound marketing.  Hopefully this information will be helpful in making your 2015 advertising efforts more effective and relative to today’s new consumer.


The list post is one of the most popular and readable blog formats on the web. It is composed of — you guessed it — a list, and includes short explanatory paragraphs about each item.

Use your introduction as a way to tell the reader how this collection of ideas will help them. Keep it light by including a personal story. If you have any data that you can include relating to your list, include that in your introduction, too.

Here are some examples of how we use list blog posts here at HubSpot:


Now deliver what you promised in the first section. This is the longest part of the post, so make it easy to read. Use short paragraphs, bullet lists, and bold headings to set different sections apart.

Some common section headers include:

1. Distinction #1 permission versus interruption

2. Distinction #2 customer-centric versus marketer-centric

3. Distinction #3 impressions versus buyers journeys

You can use bulleted lists, numbered list, or multiple headings. Include as many steps, numbers, or bullets that will allow you to discuss your topic thoroughly.

Here are some pointers to make the best possible body of your blog:

  • Include visuals
  • Include short explanatory phrases in your headers
  • At the end, transition into your conclusion

It’s really that simple.  The old way is being interruptional, focusing on the producer rather than the consumer and using the power of large numbers to brand.  The new way is being there when needed with dynamic content that walks alongside awareness, consideration and decision.

Now it’s time to say goodbye and wrap up your post. Remind your readers of your key takeaway, reiterate what your readers need to do to get the desired result, and ask a question about how they see the topic to encourage comments and conversation. Don’t forget to include a Call-to-Action!

Congratulations! What a lovely list post you’ve created!