Today, the internet serves as the first point of contact between businesses and potential customers. Therefore, maintaining accurate and consistent directory listings is crucial. Directory listings, which include your business’s name, address, phone number, and other details across various online platforms, play a significant role in your local SEO strategy and overall online presence. 

But how much time does it actually take to manage these listings effectively? Let’s find out. 

Understanding Directory Listings

Before we estimate the time investment required, it’s important to understand what directory listings entail. Directory listings are found on various platforms, including Google Business Profile, Yelp, Bing Places, and industry-specific directories. These listings help customers find your business online, learn about your services, and get in touch with you. They also signal to search engines the legitimacy and relevance of your business, which can affect your search engine rankings.

The Time Investment

Managing directory listings is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. It requires regular updates, monitoring, and optimization to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. Here’s a breakdown of the tasks involved and the estimated time commitment.

Initial Setup and Audit

The first step is to audit your existing listings and set up any that are missing. This process involves:

  • Researching and identifying relevant directories: 2-4 hours.
  • Creating or claiming listings: 5-10 minutes per listing, depending on the platform’s verification process.
  • Auditing existing listings for accuracy and consistency: 1-2 hours.

Regular Maintenance

After the initial setup, regular maintenance is crucial. This includes:

  • Updating listings with any changes to your business information (e.g., hours, address, phone number): 30 minutes to 1 hour per update cycle.
  • Responding to reviews and customer queries: 1-2 hours weekly, depending on volume.
  • Monitoring for unauthorized changes or duplicate listings: 1 hour monthly.


To maximize the impact of your listings, periodic optimization is necessary. This involves:

  • Adding new photos or videos: 30 minutes per update.
  • Optimizing descriptions and categories for SEO: 1-2 hours per quarter.
  • Analyzing performance and making adjustments: 1-2 hours per quarter.

Total Time Commitment

On average, businesses can expect to spend 5-10 hours for the initial setup and audit, followed by 3-6 hours monthly for regular maintenance and optimization. However, this can vary based on the number of listings, the volume of updates, and the level of engagement with customers.

How Horton Group Can Help

Managing directory listings effectively is time-consuming, but it’s essential for maintaining your online presence and improving your local SEO. That’s where Horton Group comes in. 

With years of experience in digital marketing and SEO, Horton Group understands the intricacies of directory listings management. We can take this task off your hands, ensuring that your listings are always accurate, optimized, and performing at their best.

Our team will handle the initial audit and setup, regular updates and maintenance, and ongoing optimization of your listings across all relevant platforms. By entrusting your directory listings to Horton Group, you’re not just saving time; you’re investing in the growth and visibility of your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your digital marketing efforts.