6 Instagram Best Practices
A businesss Instagram account is less of a business account and more like the collective personal account for all the unique people involved with your brand. Posting content with this in mind will help you establish a close personal connection, generate loyalty, and present your brands human face through the images you share.
Try implementing these best practices when managing your Instagram account:
1. Share clear, attractive pictures
It doesn’t need to be Ansel Adams, but try to post eye catching pictures. Use your best judgement. Is the picture blurry, badly framed, or bland? If so, its just clutter. Post clear and creative content. As far as the tech goes, any camera on a smartphone or tablet will do the trick.
2. Get Personal
Instagram is the perfect place to show that your brand is not just a business and a logo. Your company is made up of people helping people with your products and services. Photos that show your expertise, passion, and positivity will also show off your brands human side.
3. Interact with Your Instagram Followers
Liking and commenting on your social media followers images will increase your visibility and build rapport with your community. It feels good as a user to see that a business you’re interested in has also taken an interest in you.
This is especially important to remember whenever a user tags your account or posts images related to your brand.
4. Make and Use Your Own Hashtag
Its a slogan you can measure and track. Hashtags give your company that much more of an identity, and having one also encourages users to engage your brand and their own followers with your hashtag. The visibility and metrics they provide empower any Instagram marketing campaign.
5. Share consistently
Out of sight, out of mind. Its important to keep a presence by posting an image at least once a day, ideally at peak times.
6. Link to your other pages
Instagram is great at generating interest in a brand, but the medium has its limits. There are no buy now links anywhere to be found, for example. Thats why its important to connect your Instagram to your other pages in the bio section of your account. This will help directly to convert an intrigued follower into a lead.
Instagram is a valuable marketing tool for your brand. It increases your visibility and creates a sense of loyalty and community with your followers as your share the story of your brand through your images. Following these best practices will get your brand out there in the exciting, powerful platform of Instagram.
Need some help creating a strategy for getting the most out of Instagram? Contact the social media experts at Horton Group today. Wed be glad to help.