5 Ways to Repurpose Old Content
Businesses the world over are putting more time, effort and money into their content marketing strategies than ever before, and content will no doubt continue to become even more important over the coming years. However, given the considerable investment involved in content creation and publication, adopting some creative ways to repurpose old content will make you get a lot more in return for your efforts.
1. Visualize It
While no content strategy would be complete without plenty of written content, particularly in B2B industries, it is equally important to diversify your efforts to include the full range of available mediums. Consumers like to digest content in many different ways, and visual mediums continue to play an increasingly important role. One of the most effective ways to repurpose old content is to visualize it in the form of an infographic or video.
2. Expand It into An eBook
If you’ve been maintaining a content marketing strategy for a few years, you’ll probably have hundreds of pages worth of both written and visual content that no longer receives much attention. However, you should be able to use most of this material for expanding into an eBook or other larger piece. Many successful blogs and other websites have done precisely that by curating their old content and updating and expanding it to create a more in-depth eBook.
3. Flip It Around
If an old piece of content is still reasonably popular, it can present a great opportunity to explore the same subject from a different angle. For example, if you are intending to repurpose an old how-to guide, why not write a new guide detailing how not to do something? Similarly, if you have an article dealing with the advantages of a particular product or method, why not start working on a piece of content that deals with its disadvantages?
4. Republish It
Sometimes, republishing a piece of old content is all you need to do to give it a whole new lease of life. With more publishing platforms available than ever before, you can try republishing old articles on social answer sites such as Quora. Alternatively, you can simply start marketing the content again on social networks and various other online platforms to renew interest in it. Provided the content is still relevant, there’s not really any reason why it needs to fade into obscurity.
5. Update Old Content
Many marketers make the mistake of focussing exclusively on evergreen content. However, the most valuable content tends to be that which keeps in line with current trends and newsworthy topics. Particularly in the case of longer pieces that took a great deal of work, regular updates and additions will help to keep it relevant for longer. Consumers often return to their favourite webpages in the hope of finding the same content they love, albeit updated and adapted to current expectations.
While not all content can or should be reused, repurposing certain pieces can be a big timesaver for your digital marketing team and, as everyone knows, time is money in the world of business. Repurposing your content also presents benefits for your SEO efforts and your customer acquisition and retention rates. In conclusion, never forget that a single piece of content can easily lead to dozens more pieces spanning a variety of different views and mediums.