Email Marketing Tips – 5 Ways to Maximize Email Revenue
Any business overlooking email marketing is probably not maximizing revenue. Email still remains one of the best ways to stay in direct communication with prospects, allowing for relationship building, promotion, and sales. Even if you have another primary sales channel, collecting leads still lets you follow up with them on a consistent basis. While email is incredibly effective, it has become harder to maintain interest as the average inbox becomes flooded. The following tips can all be used to make the most of your communication with leads and customers.
Write a Compelling Headline
While you might hope to gain a reputation for exceptional content, initially most people will only open your emails if the headline is compelling. A headline can be compelling if it poses a question, shocks the reader, offers a solution to a common problem, or simply has something eye-catching. You might be tempted to exaggerate to get the click, but this can often cause a disconnect between the headline and content that is off-putting. Where possible, use numbers or symbols to make your email stand out among the competition.
Tell a Story
There are various ways to engage a reader within the main email content, but storytelling can be one of the most effective. A good storyteller can have people eagerly awaiting every twist and turn, with the same thing applying in the email format. Many readers skim over content, so a good story can focus the mind until they become ready to take action in the form of a purchase or click to another piece of content. These types of emails can be used sparingly, but they are extremely powerful in building rapport.
Create an Email Series
A series of emails can be used to educate new subscribers, leading to more informed readers who trust your opinions. Your email series can target beginners or more advanced prospects, with niches like fitness, health, business, and finance benefiting heavily from these tutorials. If the content is exceptional, subscribers will be trained to eagerly await your next message.
Segment Your List
Segmentation is a feature of most quality autoresponders, allowing you to move people onto separate lists based on their actions. If a subscriber makes a purchase, they can be moved onto a new buyers list. Segmentation is important because it allows you to create messages specifically for a target audience. A long-term subscriber who rarely opens your messages should not necessarily receive the same message as a frequent buyer. Segmenting your list might require more work, but the targeted nature of it means you will get better results.
Vary Email Content
Sending the same type of message will be predictable, so look to develop a number of email styles. These styles can vary in length — short and long messages will bring different results — and also in the content you provide. Images and videos can help bring your emails to life, while short, punchy sentences can work well in this format. It might be appropriate to occasionally send brief notes advising about a new blog post, but you also want longer stories or tutorials that provide great value to the reader.
With all these pieces in place, running an effective email marketing campaign is fairly straightforward. If you have targeted your subscribers well, convincing them to invest in any related products won’t be too hard. Email marketing offers the chance to directly communicate with people on a consistent basis, so use all the tools available to maximize your email campaigns.
Need help creating and implementing an email marketing campaign for your business? Give Horton Group a call today at (615) 292-8642.