“Like us” – “Share this update” – “Comment and win” – Every time users log on to Facebook, they see a wide range of different messages, all competing for their attention. As a consequence, it is becoming more and more difficult for business owners to get their Fan Page updates noticed. There is no secret formula (yet) for the ultimate update. Even so, Facebook marketing specialists agree that the quality of the content is the key factor to getting fans’ attention. Having said that, there are certain types of content that have a higher share-factor than others. Here are five examples of Facebook updates that are bound to get you noticed.

1. The Photo Joke
Dutch company Heineken uses images with a funny caption on a regular basis on Facebook, but the brewery company really got noticed when they went into conversation with another brand, Douwe Egberts. The two companies exchanged clever lines on their Facebook Fan Pages. Heineken posted: “Want a drink?” and Douwe Egberts answered: “Sure!” Before long, more Dutch companies joined the conversation, causing a great deal of amusement for their fans. You will need someone with minimal Photoshop skills to help you if you want to try this out yourself, but it will earn you plenty of Likes.
2. The Quote
Short and powerful quotes tend to stick in people’s memories. On Facebook, a clever or inspirational quote added to a photo leads to a large number of Likes and Shares. This is what Salt magazine has been doing so successfully. The Dutch magazine for active and adventurous people frequently uses quotes added to images as a status update. Many have been shared so much that they now can be found all over the internet.
3. The Facebook Question
Facebook Questions is a recent addition to the social network. From now on, anyone on Facebook can ask a question, including multiple choice questions, to friends and fans. The clever thing is that when Facebook users participate by answering a question, the question will automatically appear in their Timeline for all their friends to see. Haircare company John Frieda’s questions about how fans care for their hair have gone viral on Facebook, gaining them a large audience and a considerable amount of free market research information.
4. The How-to Video
Internet users want information. They want to discover and learn about new things. Hence it is not surprising that videos or blog posts with titles like “How to pick up a woman in five minutes” or “How to fly a plane in ten steps” are very popular. Businesses on Facebook can use the same approach. Think of aspects of your business that you can make a short how-to video about. DIY retailer B&Q has included a how-to section on their Facebook Fan Page. It is a good example of how you can present your videos on Facebook, while also hosting them on YouTube. This method saves time if you already have a YouTube Channel.
5. The Behind-the-Scenes Video
Did you know that the majority of people buy DVDs for the extras? Audiences enjoy a glimpse behind the scenes of their favorite movies, and the same goes for businesses. Just think about the popularity of reality shows set in particular industries. People are curious for insider information. How did that new project come about? How did you manage to launch that new product before the deadline? Just show it in a video. Skincare company Clinique, for example, posts behind-the-scenes videos from live events on their Facebook Fan Page.
It is still possible to break through all the clutter on Facebook if you use a clever combination of the examples set out above. Just remember that when you are making content for your Facebook updates, your first intention should be to entertain, inform, and excite your fans.
– Constance Bourg