Best Blogs of 2015

Start the new year off right by elevating your inbound marketing expertise. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of our top 10 blogs of 2015. Get all the best insights from the previous year right here. Enjoy!

1. 3 Tips for Growing Your Business Online

One our most popular blogs of the year by far, this blog illuminates the importance of understanding your buyer personas. Avoid inadvertently alienating prospective buyers and learn how to tailor your marketing efforts to best match audience needs, desires and values.

2. What is Periscope?

Periscope splashed onto the scene in early 2015 and has since proved itself as a strong social media contender. This blog discusses the history, uses and benefits of using periscope to boost your brand.

3. Why We Have an Elephant Mascot

This fun blog reveals the story behind our elephant mascot. The elephant is strong, unique, flexible and a very caring animal. Horton Group seeks to exemplify these traits in each client interaction. If you are new to Horton Group, this blog goes a long way in helping you better understand our company culture, values and purpose.

4. Impact of Social Media on Web Design

Social media has undoubtedly impacted the way brands market in a powerful way, but what effect has social media had on web design? This blog answers that question, covering topics such as social media icons, social-friendly content and more.

5. 7 Ways to Promote Your Inbound Marketing Offers

Content creation is only 50% of the content marketing process. The second half? Content promotion. But how do you promote those offers to the right audience? In this blog, we reveal seven simple strategies to promote your inbound marketing offers to attract more traffic.

6. 5 Professional Logo Design Tips

Designing a new logo isn’t easy. Your logo often provides the first interaction audiences have with your brand. Use these 5 tips to create a logo that doesn’t fall flat. Topics covered include messaging, versatility and functionality.

7. Should You Follow Your Competitors on Social Media

The probing question that haunts marketers everywhere: should I follow my competitors on social media? In this article, we provide the answer to that question as well as simple tips for best handling a competitor social media analysis.

8. Benefits of Social Media Marketing on Twitter

While Twitter has taken a bit of a dip as of lately, many marketers predict Twitter will soon make a comeback. Further, it still remains a great marketing tool for businesses. Some of the benefits of marketing with Twitter include interacting with customers in real-time and projecting brand personality.

9. 6 Instagram Best Practices

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. But to use if effectively, you need to know the platform’s best practices. Instagram is highly personal and all about presenting the human face of your brand. Follow the tips in this article to ensure your Instagram efforts succeed at achieving business goals.

10. What Not to Do with Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Just as you need to know what to do with your internet marketing strategy, you also need to know what not to do. In this blog, we discuss the most critical “don’ts” with your internet marketing strategy, so you avoid making mistakes and spend time focused on what’s most important.

What were your favorite blogs from Horton Group in 2015? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter. And be sure to keep on lookout for more remarkable content to come in 2016.
