You can’t afford not to optimize for mobile traffic. In the days of smart phones, most of your web audience does the majority of its browsing on mobile devices. Whether it’s and Android, iPhone, iPad, Galaxy, you name it, your customers are more likely to come across your site somewhere other than a standard computer screen.

Your website may look great on a normal laptop screen, but your audience will have to zoom, pinch and squint to read your content properly on a smart phone screen. Websites that aren’t formatted for mobile devices take much longer to load on smart phones. That’s a sure way to lose traffic.

If you’re dependent on your website for publicity or sales conversions, you absolutely must optimize your website for a comfortable mobile experience.

Optimizing for mobile is relatively painless if you know what you are doing. Some CMS platforms have readily accessible functionality for mobile optimization. Some WordPress themes come with mobile features, and there are several plugins to choose from that will reformat your website if viewed on a mobile device. Some WordPress themes are more mobile-ready than others and don’t require any extra tweaking or plugins to look good on a smart phone. For instance, the Twenty Eleven theme compacts rather well to a small mobile screen.

For a simpler way to optimize to mobile devices, you can edit the CSS in your website. Try defining the width of your page content in terms of percent rather than pixels. This will allow the content to stretch or grow depending on the device’s screen. For instance, you can change the CSS for your central block to be 95%, allowing it to fit readably on a mobile device in any direction.

With more than 30% of web browsing occurring on mobile devices, leaving your website unsightly for smart phones is a surefire way to miss out on valuable traffic, potential leads. Optimizing your website for mobile devices will give your audience a better and more comfortable experience on your website.