More about Elephants – Our Company Logo
Designing a website often includes the selection of a logo and possibly a company mascot. An assortment of animals has become popular for this purpose. Elephants are one of the mammals chosen frequently to represent a variety of businesses that advertise online. What features about elephants make them popular as website mascots?
Nearly hairless skin gives an elephant a clean, neat appearance, with fan-shaped ears that look nearly perfect for airlift. What better image can you have for a company that is looking to take off in popularity, sales, and forward growth?
From traveling in hopes of seeing the elephant to using this enigmatic phrase to refer to seeing anything for the first time including battle, odd curios, or unwanted circumstances, the phrase seeing the elephant offers new meaning today. Today, the phrase seeing the elephant can mean identifying an obstacle standing in the way of success. It can also mean seeing the strength needed to achieve success. In fact, seeing the elephant can simply mean just than seeing an elephant icon or mascot that is used to identify an online company through its presence on a website.
By any other name, an elephant is still an elephant whether you call it a bull or a cow or perhaps even a calf. These four-legged giants or herbivores enjoy healthy diets, eating vegetation in a variety of forms including tree bark, grasses of many kinds, fruits, and leaves. In fact, elephants enjoy eating and do so most of the day. Elephants are good role models for health-conscious individuals who are looking to live a long, healthy, and happy life. They are also good, strong mascots for companies looking to enjoy a long and prosperous existence.
Living up to 70 years, the elephant is unfortunately plagued with poor eyesight. They don’t let this get in the way of living a good life though. Having the largest brain of all creatures in the animal kingdom, elephants live in a matriarchal society held together in tightly-knit units in which they all look out for each other. This is a positive image to portray for any website. With their acute hearing, elephants can hear sounds more than three miles away.
From the two-fingered trunk of the African elephant to the one-fingered trunk of the Asian elephant, subtle differences exist between the two groups of elephants. Many people are unaware of these differences, especially if they are not comparing the elephants side by side. Nonetheless, the similarities shared by the African and Asian elephants hold more importance than the differences.
As a land rover, the elephant visits many places, at least as many as he can readily gain access to in his lifetime. With the deforestation of the rain forest, elephants have less area available to them for travel than in the past. Today, they are protected by the Endangered Species Act and the African Elephant Conservation Act.
Adult elephants grunt, bellow, whistle, and trumpet, very much like their human counterparts. Why shouldnt they be used to represent companies owned by humans? No reason at all. Perhaps there are instances when bigger is better and the question, Who brought that white elephant to the table? is actually a good question.
Instead of going abroad to see the sights or perhaps see the elephants, today, people can browse online and see the elephant mascots that identify specific companies and websites. Each elephant has a unique appearance that is designed to fit the image of the company. From elephants dressed in cheap suits to elephants dressing in birthday suits, website mascots feature an eclectic assortment of standing, sitting, and swimming elephants intended to draw your attention to them in a memorable manner.