Introducing Microsoft Edge
You can tell alot about a person by the Internet browser they use to navigate the web. From the classic Internet Explorer to the robust Google Chrome, an Internet users web browsing options are vast and varied. Recently, Microsoft added a new option for Internet navigation.
Introducing Microsoft Edge
Recently revealed at Microsofts annual developer conference, the previously codenamed Project Spartan was announced as Microsoft Edge. This web browser is a streamlined version of the ubiquitous Internet Explorer. It promises updates such as built in annotations.
Microsoft promises the newly polished browser will blur the edge…between standing still and moving forward. The browser includes the integration of Cortana (Microsofts digital assistant, similar to Apples Siri) and tabs that show preview pictures of web pages as you hover over them with your mouse.
The Cortana features will surely be a handy edition to the Microsoft browsing experience. The feature will, for example, find the hours and location of a restaurant that the user is searching, and does so seemingly without being asked.
And of course, there are the above mentioned annotations, which give users the ability to draw notes on web pages as they are being viewed. These annotations are shareable, which could be useful in web design and site optimization.
What this means for Internet Explorer
Microsofts new browser isn’t much of a new browser, as it turns out. In fact, its more of a massive update to the long-lasting Internet Explorer. As The Verge pointed out, quite aptly, even the logo of Edge is a callback to the logo of Internet Explorer.
From a branding standpoint, this tells us that Microsoft wants the users of Internet Explorer to feel safe and sound using an updated browsing program. If you’re used to the ins and outs of Internet Explorer, then you should expect a seamless transition to the new browsing platform.
Will it Beat Chrome or Firefox?
For several years, the best performing web browsers have been Googles Chrome and Mozillas Firefox. These options are well integrated, well developed, and user friendly. Internet Explorer was one of the first browsing options and quickly rose to popularity with early Internet users.
The browser maintained, mostly because it was the default browser of PCs and microsoft products across the board.
That said, it looks like the updates made by Microsoft in the changes relevant in Edge will help to boost the performance and utility of the browser. While theres still a lot of catch up to play in overcoming the critical acclaim of Chrome and Firefox, it looks like Edge may be on the right path.