In order to truly benefit from Twitter, you must grow a following. You can’t achieve your lofty goals if you have no one listening to what you have to say. But unless you are a celebrity, gaining a large number of followers can be difficult. Thats why we are providing you with a few proven tips that will help you get started attracting followers fast.

Create a Professional Twitter Profile

Before you start posting anything, you should make sure that your profile looks professional and displays the purpose of your page.

Its essential that you have a goal in mind when creating your Twitter page. Think about what you want to accomplish and what you will offer your target audience.

After figuring out the answers to these questions, you can begin designing a page that reflects those goals. That way people know exactly what they can expect by following you.

Be sure to include the following items on your Twitter page:

  • Creative Cover Photo

  • Unique Background

  • Professional Picture

  • Detailed Bio

Post Frequently

Once you set up a profile that accurately reflects your brand, you are ready to launch your remarkable Twitter posts.

If you want to be seen by your audience, you will need to post frequently. But instead of sitting in front of your computer all day, you can automate your posts using a platform like HubSpot or HootSuite.

These programs give you the freedom to schedule posts, automate posts and have browser extensions that allow you to tweet content as you find it.

Make sure to cater to your target audience, so you don’t waste your time creating Twitter posts they don’t care about. Once you determine the types of posts your followers enjoy most, you will need to create original content as well as share content from others.

Bonus tip: Posting the same content multiple times throughout the day is recommended to increase engagement.

Create Brand Awareness

Theres a multitude of ways to make people aware of your Twitter page. One is to follow friends of your followers, as they likely share similar interest.

Another effective way to generate awareness is to promote your Twitter page on your company website, blog and any other place your audience may come in contact with your business.

For instance, some companies put their Twitter handle on their business card, so those they network with can easily follow them. You can also join chats to meet others in your industry to further drive traffic to your Twitter page.

Begin Growing A Following On Twitter

By putting together a professional looking profile, frequently posting quality content, and creating awareness, you will be on your way to building a robust Twitter following.

Need more help with your social media marketing campaign? Horton Group has a team of social media marketers who know how to develop thriving online communities. Give us a call today at (615) 292-8642 or tweet us at @HortonGroup.

Start Gaining A Following On Twitter