Success is attractive. Climbing to the highest levels of a company is something many people strive for their entire lives.

CEO blogs are gathering fans across the Internet. Don’t confuse this website with a corporate blog. This type of blog website is a venue for the crafty musings and inspiring insights from the busy leader of the corporation. The CEO blog motivates with articles on leadership, and includes conversations with other industry leaders as well as advice for aspiring enthusiasts and perspectives on hot topics.
Community respect for industry leaders is founded on the success of their company. CEOs are intriguing as individuals for the connections they are believed to have, the sensitive information they are believed to be privy to, and for the sheer mystery of their daily lives and tasks. CEO Blogging addresses these mysteries while giving the CEO an outlet for personalizing the company. This unique opportunity to form connections with consumers also helps the CEO soften the edges of the large corporation and properly position and personify the company.
Here are some best practices, some helpful hints for your CEO blogging:
Name: Keywords and More
Your personal name is a vital indicator for the purpose of the blog and will most likely be the domain name/title of the web-page. This is an advantage because it will not be hard to distinguish your blog from the company you run. This can also be a disadvantage because many people will know your company brand, but probably not your name. Be sure to clearly indicate your position and keep your company name in mind as you think about keyword richness for SEO. Also note that putting your company name in the meta-tags will help your ranking with search engines.
Design: Identifying theme
This is an extremely important part of your project. The layout and design of your blog is an integral and crucial step in creating this project. This is not an area to skip over or ignore, this is not just about esthetics but about creating a brand that characterizes you as a CEO and an individual. Also, you should utilize your social network to gain fans and build upon your core themes. Twitter is great for reaching new fans, while Facebook and Linked-In can help you build from your base.
CEO Bloggers: WordPress vs Drupal
When it comes to creating your blog you have many options for selecting a content management system. Drupal and WordPress are likely the two most popular options but there are a few distinctions between these two that you should be aware of. WordPress can satisfy most of the basic blog functions with simple plug-ins that are simple to implement. WordPress might leave you scratching your head when your blog begins to grow and you have new ideas or needs for functionality. This is where Drupal truly shines because it has all the basic blog functionality of WordPress, but is much more scalable. Drupal is robust and extensible, allowing for unique customization. The modules in Drupal are proven and stable, and the developer community insists that modules are maintained properly. WordPress does not have the same community standards for their plug-in market.
Content: What to include
Elaborating on topics like your daughters favorite ice cream flavor should not be the major focus, though personalization is and peeks behind the curtain are interesting. Your daughter’s fave dessert could be tasty intertwined into various observations, and also into something obvious like a discussion on consumer trends in the ice cream industry. The content you write must be worth reading – worth peoples time. Advice, lessons learned, interviews with other intellectuals and well-researched theories are all great areas to focus on.
Dont Forget!
Be sure to include your bio information. And remember, this blog is for your thoughts, opinions and conversations not necessarily those of your company. Enjoy the freedom of thought!
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