According to SEO Consult News, the average person spent 6.75 hours on Facebook in the month of January. That statistic is for desktop usage only and does not include mobile usage. This is an impressive statistic, considering that mobile is where Facebook gets most of its usage.

Furthermore, Facebook updated its filing with the SEC earlier this week and offered a couple of new statistics on user growth. The average minutes per user per day increased 14% from January 2011 to January 2012, and approximately 15 million users purchased virtual or digital goods using Facebook in 2011.
Why is this important? Simply put, if you’re not using Facebook to market your product or business, you’re missing out on making new customers and you’re missing out on engaging your current customers. Without doubt, Facebook is an effective tool to build BRAND EXPOSURE as well as CUSTOMER LOYALTY.
There is a right way and a wrong way to use Facebook for your business. Ultimately, you want to build your community of fans and your “reach” (whenever a user likes, comments on, or shares your post). This isn’t so important for personal use but for business use it’s uber important. That’s right, uber…the ultimate, above all, the best, top, something that nothing is better than.
You probably have heard that “content is king.” With that in mind, daily posts should be one of the Three E’s – Educational, Entertaining, or Empowering (i.e. Click here to get 30% Off our new frisbees!).  
Educational and Entertaining posts are effective tools needed to keep your community engaged and to increase your reach. Empowering posts also expand reach and do even more. For example, daily, weekly, or monthly deals give new customers incentive to try your product or service for the first time while at the same time rewarding your repeat customers and loyal followers with something of value.
Keeping in mind that Facebook users do not visit your fan page when logging into their personal account, but see your post in their “home” area or ticker, the goal is to have friends like, share, or comment on your post so that their friends see that in their own “home” area (or ticker) too – thus bringing your product or service to friends of friends who may not know about you yet.
Don’t have time to manage this kind of social media interaction? No worries…we can help.