Welcome Michelle – Our New Director of Social Media!
Just when we thought Vine was the biggest thing to hit multimedia for portable devices, Instagram up and rocks the boat with the addition of video. And now as if Google search wasnt enough, Facebook is stepping up to the plate and taking a huge chop at search engine marketing with the launch of Facebook Graph.
It is probably safe to guess that a lot of the recent changes in social media have yet to come across your feed. We understand you have bigger things to focus on and that is why we make it our business to keep up with the hottest news right off the social media presses.
Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, the list goes on. All seem to be completely content constantly inundating us with new uses and platform renovations. How is a business to stay on top of their social media marketing strategy when things seem to change every other hour?
Well, lucky for you we are here to let you know that there is a bright and shining light at the end of that social media tunnel. For all of you who feel lost, adrift in the tempestuous sea of online social networks, we take pleasure in introducing to you Michelle Kraker our new Director of Social Media.
A big warm and hearty welcome is due to Michelle, as she is poised to make some ground breaking impacts in our social media offerings. With skills that would make Jagger jealous, Michelle is hitting the ground running, already gearing up to deliver her social savvy to all of our valued clients on the reg.
Social media has become an indispensable component of the marketing and advertising industry. Regarded as one of the fastest moving and most affordable tactics used to connect and engage a wide-spread audience, social media keeps getting hotter. With Michelles fine-tuned skills we are enabling clients to become even bigger players in the social media scene for their markets.
Look forward to talking with Michelle about the myriad of ways she can help you increase your social media audience, get a leg-up on the competition and elevate the perception of your brand. Like a social superheroine, Michelle employs a virtual social media utility belt to get you on the fast-track to widespread acclaim on your most important platforms.
We are looking forward to some exciting things down the road. Feel free to reach out to us today and personally congratulate Michelle.