Web 2.0: Web Marketing through Social Media
The internet now drives the way we send and receive critical information. Social media continues to grow in popularity, and allows global connections and interactions to be obtained anywhere, anytime.
Facebook allows users to create a profile, and connect with people around the world. Now, finding your high school classmates from 1978, or following your favorite bands is as easy as turning your computer on. Follow Horton Group on Facebook
Twitter allows users to update “followers” through one sentence blurbs, spreading news faster than ever before. Public figures from John McCain to Demi Moore “tweet” and the global impact is unprecedented. Stay updated on Horton Group’s latest tweets
Horton Group understands that social media empowers consumers and businesses alike. For more information about web marketing, and how Horton Group can empower you and your business, contact us. Don’t fear … you too can make new friends connecting through proven social media channels.