Web 2.0: An ongoing web design trend
When it comes to current web design trends, there are many different ones out there depending on what kind of audience a website wishes to target and what kind of marketing they are going for. However, there is one web design trend that has been persistent for several years now, and that is the concept of web 2.0. What exactly is web 2.0? Well, in today’s fast-paced society, consumers and web surfers alike expect their information to come to them not only easily, but more quickly than ever. We live in a society where we desire instant gratification, and web 2.0 marketing seeks to ensure exactly that. Additionally, the concept of web 2.0 is centered around social networking sites, wikis, blogs, and more.
Essentially, web 2.0 is a huge trend in web development that shows no real sign of fading any time soon. As long as users continue to demand simplicity, customization, and the option to participate, web designers will be relying on web 2.0 concepts for years to come.