Email in your account is received by a POP, or Post Office Protocol, server. When your email program is launched, and you click send and receive email, the program is asking the Post Office Protocol server to deliver all new email messages. Your email programs then downloads the most current messages and tells the Post Office Protocol server to delete the messages on your server (because a copy of each message has been made). Take control of the action of your server by asking it to delete the messages once they have downloaded. You can even ask your server to copy the messages over a period of time. Most often, it is better to ask the server to delete the messages, to avoid your inbox expanding too greatly, resulting in performance problems. Below are software specific instructions explaining how to delete mail off your server.

Outlook 2002/2003

1. Open Outlook.

2. In the Tools menu, choose Email Accounts or Account Setting for Outlook 2007. The Accounts box will appear.

3. Verify the circle-box View or change existing email accounts and click Next.

4. Your email account will appear, often labeled

5. Click on email account in order to highlight it, then click the Change button on the right. The Internet Email Settings will appear.

6. Click the button More Settings in the lower right-hand corner. The Internet Email Settings box will appear.

7. Click the Advanced tab.

8. Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box and leave a copy of messages on the server, if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, check the box Remove from server after, and click the arrows to specify the number of days or weeks emails should be saved. It is best to not save email on the server for more than 7 days as space can fill up quickly.

9. Click OK, then click Next. Click Finish to return to the email program.

Outlook 2007

1. Open Outlook.

2. From the Tools menu, choose Account Settings. The Account Settings box will appears.

3. Your email account appears usually labeled

4. Click on your email account to highlight it, then click the Change button. The Internet Email Settings will appear.

5. Click the button More Settings (lower right-hand corner) The Internet Email Settings box will appear.

6. Click the Advanced tab.

7. Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you wish to leave messages on the server, check the box Remove from server after, and click the arrows to specify the number of days or weeks emails should be saved. You can select remove from server after a certain number of days or remove from server when deleted from Deleted Items.

8. Click OK, then click Next. Click Finish. Click Close to return to the email program.

Outlook Express, Outlook 98/2000, Windows Mail.

1. Open Outlook Express, Outlook 98/2000, or Windows Mail.

2. From the Tools menu choose Accounts. The Internet Accounts box will appear.

3. Select the Mail tab. (Note: Windows Mail does not have the Mail tab, but shows the account in the Internet Accounts window). Your email account will appear, often labeled

4. Click on your account, often named, then click the Properties button on the right. The properties will appear.

5. Select the Advanced tab.

6. Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, check the box Remove from server after, and click the arrows to specify the number of days or weeks emails should be saved.

7. Click OK and then Close to return to the email program.

Windows Eudora

1. Open Eudora version 5 or 6.

2. From the Tools menu choose Options. The Options box will appear.

3. In the Category box on the left choose the icon Incoming Mail.

4. Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, check the box Delete from server after, and specify the number of days emails should be saved. 5. Click OK to return to the email program.

Macintosh Eudora

1. Open Eudora version 5 or version 6.

2. From the Special menu choose Settings. The Settings box will appear.

3. In the box on the left choose the icon Checking Mail.

4. Under the Mail Management section: Clear the check box Leave on server for if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server leave the box checked, and specify the number of days. Click OK to return to the email program.

Entourage (Mac)

1. Open Entourage.

2. From the Tools menu, choose Accounts.

3. Click once on the name of the account you wish to edit to highlight the account.

4. Click on the Edit button at the top of the Accounts window. DO NOT click on the edit menu at the very top of the screen.

5. In the Edit Account box click on the Options tab.

6. Under Server options section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of each message on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, check the box Delete messages from the server after and specify the number of days. Note: You can remove the email from the server immediately by clicking Get all messages left on server.

7. Click OK to close the Edit Account box and close the Accounts box to return to the email program.

Netscape 7 (Mac and Windows)

1. Open Netscape Mail. From the Edit menu choose Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings. The Account Settings box will appear.

2. In the white area on the left, choose the entry Server Settings. Under the Server Settings section: Clear the check box Leave messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, check the box For at most, and specify the number of days.

3. Click OK to return to the email program.

Macintosh OS X Mail

1. Open Mail.

2. From the Mail menu, choose Preferences. Select the Accounts icon and click on your email account under the Description heading. The Account Information will appear.

3. Click on the Advanced tab.

4. Make sure that Remove copy from server after retrieving a message: is checked. If you would like to leave messages on the server, click on the field below and select after one day, or after one week, etc. Note: You can remove the email from the server immediately by clicking the Remove Now button.

5. Close the Accounts box to return to the email program.

Thunderbird (Mac and Windows)

1. Open Thunderbird. From the Tools menu choose Account Settings. The Account Settings box will appear.

2. In the white area on the left, choose the entry Server Settings. Under the Server Settings section: Clear the check box Leave messages on the server if you do not need to save email on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server check the box For at most, and specify the number of days.

3. Click OK to return to the email program.

MSN Hotmail

1. Login to your email via:

2. Go to your Mail Inbox

3. Click on “Options” to the far right of your browser screen this will open a Drop Down Menu

4. From the Drop Down menu click “More Options”

5. Under “Manage Your Account” click: – Send and receive mail from other e-mail accounts

6. Under “You can receive email from these accounts” click “Add an Account”

7. Enter your Email address and Password:

8. Hotmail should configure the rest for you.

9. Be sure to uncheck “Leave a copy of my messages on the server” – this will make sure that no emails are left stored on the server and you will not run out of space.