First you work with professional logo designers to design a logo. From there, how do you build your brand? SEO? May we suggest Top 5 Ways to Create a Strong Brand.

#1 Logo Design – Create your Own Golden Arches
What’s the first thing you see when you envision McDonalds? The Golden Arches. Creating a logo is the first step in making sure your business stays in the minds of your potential clients. Work with a professional design team to custom develop a unique and original logo design. You will want to commit to a logo that portrays both your business model, and your personality.

#2 Marketing Collateral – Design a Memorable Face for Your New Brand Name
A business’s worst nightmare is being “forgettable.” Print media, like brochures and business cards use the above mentioned logo design. A business card should be more than pertinent contact information that potential buyers can stick in their pockets and take home with them. Leave contacts with a lasting impression. Horton Group’s design team can help. We are professionals in logo design and print design, and we are happy to help you create exciting and UNFORGETTABLE print media campaign for your business.

#3 Web Marketing
As we soar through the next phase of the Information Age, we move into an era where the internet is a driving force in communication. Globally speaking, the internet is the #1 way that people obtain information. Work with a web development company to begin establishing your website. Ask Horton Group how to begin marketing your website on the internet.

#4 Network, Network, Network… Online
Social media is the new way to contact people across the world. Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are great for catching up with high school classmates from 1975, but can also serve your business. Get to know these web applications, and use them often to get your brand – and your business – out there.

#5 Consult Web Marketing Professionals
Web marketing companies specialize in marketing online, and are more than happy to help you create your business brand. Often, web design companies can design your website, logo and print media as part of a cohesive marketing campaign. Hey, the internet is a competitive place, so if you are serious about taking your business to the next level, it is best to leave work with the best professional web designers and SEO firms.

Everyone wants to be successful, but as we progress through the Information Age at lightning speed, many businesses will be left in the dust. Call Horton Group at 615-292-8642 and zoom ahead.