How Podcasts Help With Internet Marketing
Podcasting can be an important part of your internet marketing strategy — a way to build authority and attract new fans.
What Are Podcasts?
Podcasts are like talk radio for the internet. They are audio shows that listeners can access on their phones or computers through apps like iTunes or Spotify.
Podcast creators have a specific feed (a feed is like a channel) where they can post episodes any time, although most typically post on a schedule, such as one episode a week on Mondays. Feeds also sometimes run in seasons like a TV show.
Each feed is about a specific topic (such as entertainment, business, or politics), and the episodes can be anywhere from a couple minutes to several hours. One podcast called Hardcore History has produced six-hour episodes!
To see examples, check out Apple’s top charts in iTunes or your podcast app. Also, here are some popular marketing podcasts.
How Important Are Podcasts to Internet Marketing?
How important are podcasts to internet marketing? Here are some statistics from Edison Research to give you an idea.
- 70% of the U.S. population 12+ in 2019 is familiar with podcasting (197 million people)
- 51% of the population has listened to a podcast at least once in their lives (144 million people)
- 32% have listened to a podcast in the past month (90 million people)
- 22% have listened to a podcast in the past week (62 million people), and these weekly listeners listened to an average of 7 podcasts per week
All of these statistics are up from last year. While the numbers aren’t insane (compared to other media sources like blogs), there are also a lot fewer podcasts than blogs, meaning less competition.
According to podcast company Buzzsprout, “As of 2018, there are close to 50 million YouTube channels, 440 million blogs, but just over 550,000 podcasts listed in Apple Podcasts. That means for every podcast there are 800 blogs and 90 YouTube channels.” Less competition means you can more easily stand out, so get in now before it gets too crowded.
How Podcasts Help With Internet Marketing
Podcasting can open your message to a whole new audience, and they can help build your authority. Search Engine Journal stated that “podcasts are very impactful at growing this reputation as a credible, expert source because audiences get to hear it right from your own mouth.” Because of this, a podcast can be an important part of your internet marketing strategy.
Additionally, according to Social Media Today, “Podcasting integrates well with other digital marketing efforts. You can discuss recent posts on your blog, promote your social channels and use them as a conversation tool with listeners, build your email list through podcasting and more.
“Content marketing isn’t just about blogging, it’s about creating different types of content for your potential customers to engage with – wherever they may be.
“Podcasts are one of the best formats for mobile audiences because they can be easily consumed while on the go.”
Also, editing podcasts is simpler than you probably think. You don’t need a professional. You can learn how to do it yourself.
The above articles also list these advantages to podcasting:
- Advertisements on podcasts tend to be effective
- Audiences for podcasts are very loyal
- Podcasts don’t cost much to produce
- They are mobile-friendly and convenient
- There are options for listeners to interact through polls or through calling in
You can also make money by selling advertisements on your podcast or charging people for access to extra bonus episodes. If you’re the only one of your competitors with a podcast, it can help you stand out and be seen as an expert in your field.
Should You Start a Podcast?
This depends on a lot of factors — particularly how much time you have to invest in producing regular podcast episodes. Ask yourself if you have enough topics to create an ongoing series or if you’ll stall out at some point.
Also, ask if your audience is already interested in podcasts. If most of your target audience have never even heard of podcasts, starting one isn’t right for your business.
Search for podcasts similar to your concept. What can you do to make your show stand out and be different? Is your niche crowded or open? Being the only podcast on a particular topic is a huge advantage. Evaluate what internet marketing techniques will work best for your business.
Above all, consider what value you can bring to your customers. Your podcast should help them in some way, whether that’s through entertainment or giving them advice on how to save money. Don’t make a podcast just to have a podcast. It’s not for everyone.
If podcasts aren’t for you, we have professionals in internet and content marketing.
Getting Started
Once you decide to start a podcast, you need to develop a concept. Start with why you’re making the podcast, then move to what it should be about. Your topic can be niche, but if your goal is to reach a wide audience, don’t make it too niche.
You’ll also need to decide what format your podcast will be in. Buzzsprout gives several examples:
- Interview
- Scripted non-fiction
- News recap
- Educational
- Scripted fiction (like a radio drama)
Also consider your show’s title and length (which can be as short or long as it needs to be). Your show may only be a five-minute tip once a week. Such microcasts are becoming increasingly popular, and they have the advantage that fans can listen to several at once.
With podcasts, the question is no longer just, “What does your brand look like?” Now it’s also, “What does your brand sound like?”
Horton Group is a full-service internet marketing agency in Nashville. Our services include:
- Web design
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- Digital marketing
- Copywriting
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- Branding and social media
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If you need professional internet marketing, contact us today.