Facebook has become an essential marketing tool in political campaigns. The presidential election of 2008 proved that Facebook could be used as an effective tool for connecting with supporters and mobilizing voters.

And though Facebook engagement doesn’t directly result in more votes, there does seem to be some correlation. But creating and implementing a successful social media campaign is not easy. One simple blunder could set you up for defeat.

Social Media Marketing Mistakes That Will Cost You:

Some of the most common errors politicians make when diving into a social media campaign include:

  • Not promoting their Facebook both on and offline.
  • Failing to look at analytics to enhance their strategy.
  • Posting bland, impersonal content.
  • Creating a personal page, rather than a public figure page.

You can avoid these mistakes and more by recruiting the help of experienced social media strategists, like the ones at Horton Group. Hiring their help wont just help you avoid the pitfalls. it will also ensure that you successfully execute your social media plan.

Getting Facebook Right the First Time Around

Its important that you step out on the right foot when you start marketing on Facebook. You can do this by adding visual content to attract attention and increase social shares as well as posting at times when audiences are most engaged.

In addition, you need to be authentic with your supporters and respond to their comments in an appropriate way. Facebook is not the place to put your boring press releases. Make sure your posts and comments are genuine. Thats how you develop trust.

Start Using Facebook to Boost Your Campaign!

Are you ready to start using social media to gain the support of voters?

Nashvilles premier inbound marketing agency, Horton Group will help you develop a winning social media strategy, so you can engage voters and mobilize advocates for the success of your campaign. Give us a call today!