How to Use Client Testimonials in Your Marketing Efforts
Client reviews are a valuable tool for any company. They provide you with ways to improve your business, how you standout from your competitors, and help potential customers with their decision making.
According to a report by Search Engine Watch, 72% of consumers will only take action after they’ve read a positive review. Studies have also shown that customers who interact with reviews are 58% more likely to make a purchase and spend 3% more on orders than those who don’t. That’s why we’ve put together a list of ways you can include testimonials in your marketing efforts.
Some ways you can use testimonials include:
- Social Proof
- Create Case Studies
- User Generated Content
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Use Social Proof
Social proof is a way of showing the benefits of your products or services by showing testimonials from past and current customers. Think of how you’re drawn to learning about a store that has a line wrapped around it or listening to an artist that your friends are constantly talking about.
For example, if you own a beauty salon, you can create a testimonials page with before and after photos. Along with the photos, you can feature written testimonials next to each photo that discusses what the client was looking for, what their process for booking an appointment was like, and what they thought of the service. With these testimonials, you can show potential customers that booking an appointment is easy and that your employees provide a great experience that they’ll also love. You can also reuse your testimonials for things like Facebook ads, in email newsletters, and in social media posts.
Create Case Studies
Creating a case study is another great way of showing real-life results that come with using your product or service. Instead of just providing a short snippet, it’s a more detailed view that includes various elements such as:
- A description of the subject.
- The subject’s goal.
- Hypothesis for the strategy.
- How the strategy was implemented.
- Results of the strategy.
- A conclusion based on your findings.
While you don’t have to use all of the points above, they can act as an outline as you begin the process. During the process, you’ll want to choose a success story that best represents your ideal customers. Then, you can identify key points you’d like to highlight within your storytelling such as a struggle they were going through or alternatives that weren’t working. From there, you can highlight the results and encourage potential customers to leave feedback.
A way to use your case study results is by creating a video. This can be something simple like asking your customer what their pain points were, what made them interested in your business, and the results. Videos are a great way to capture attention with Facebook ads or you can feature them on relevant pages on your website. If they’re already looking into your business with the intention of buying something, this can help push their decision.
User Generated Content
User-generated content refers to photos or videos that customers are posting on their own social media platforms. As an alternative to using text, it’s a great way of showing how people are already engaged with your product or service. It also helps create authenticity as it’s a real snapshot taken by a customer instead of something that’s been specifically created for your company feed.
This can be something as simple as reposting an Instagram story you’ve been tagged in on your own story or asking customers if you can repost their content to your social media feed. You can also ask them for permission to use their posts in your advertising, blogs, and newsletters.
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